We’re independent storytellers. We work only with the help of our community: you. We have a vision of telling large scale science fiction and fantasy stories in an audience-first manner. We want our viewers to be a part of the process, from beginning to end.
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There are two kinds of beings in the universe: the Erodun…and everything else. Eden, the highest among the Erodun, is the god of the land and the ruler of the world. Discontent with her loneliness, she created her angels of light, her fellow Erodun. Together they would fashion a beautiful universe, but all good things must come to an end. Yggdrasil, Eden’s right hand and most trusted angel, turned against her. He raged against everything she stood for. If she is light, then he would undoubtedly be the embodiment of darkness.
Together, with her remaining angels, she would care for this new world and continue to breath life into her creations. They would worship her – their creator – and in reward for their constant faith, would receive joy everlasting.
Those who follow Yggdrasil believe the words of the Fal’Kor to be a myth, a mere fabrication. The truth lies in the deep recesses of the world of Fal’Rath, waiting to be discovered.
There are three primary factions that exist within the world of Fal’rath: the Regime of Eden, whose power and governance controls the entire world, the Underground resistance network of Yggdrasil who fight against everything Eden stands for, and the mysterious Forgotten Ones.